Our Services

Teaching and Training

  • Tailored courses in English and French for universities, governments, international organizations and private sector entities.

  • Workshops to enhance knowledge of global anti-corruption efforts.

  • Customized courses and seminars to meet your needs.


Legislative Affairs

  • In-depth understanding of all relevant legislation and its impacts.

  • Legislative monitoring, analysis, and evaluation.

  • Advocacy to bring your issue to the attention of legislators and seek concrete action to impact legislation.

  • Guidance navigating the regulatory process.


Legal and Policy Research

  • Finding solutions to the toughest and most complex issues in anti-corruption implementation and enforcement.

  • Optimal approaches to combat corruption at the domestic and international levels.

  • Helping policy makers target resources to areas most in need.

  • Designing and evaluating legal and policy frameworks aimed at curbing corruption.


Reports and Guidance

  • Policy publications focused on achieving effective public policy and legal regulation.

  • Guidance for governments and businesses on the ramifications of international treaties.

  • Advice on actionable solutions to best achieve public policy intent on combating corruption.

  • Briefing notes, position papers, and other communication material.