Publications and Research

  • “CETA for EU Suppliers: A Comprehensive Report to the Canadian Services Market for European Union Companies”

    This report provides guidance for EU services suppliers on the implications of CETA in four major services categories: Financial Services, Telecommunications, Maritime Transport, and Electronic Commerce.

  • “Re-Imagining Corporate Accountability on a Multilateral Scale”

    Presented at the 2020 OECD Global Integrity Forum, this report establishes the case for how the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention could be expanded to further combat corruption at the international level. It proposes the novel idea that the OECD house an international dispute settlement mechanism empowered to hear complaints about corrupt activities and to impose appropriate sanctions.

  • "A New OECD Dispute Settlement Mechanism to Fight Transnational Corruption"

    This paper proposes the establishment of a brand new international dispute settlement mechanism to fight corruption. Recognizing the challenges faced by domestic authorities, it proposes that the OECD become an international forum able to enforce international anti-corruption laws and hold signatory countries and organizations alike accountable for corruption.